Richard Gabriel with Judith © 2009  All rights reserved

           S e c r e t   E g y p t   &   A f t e r l i f e   U n c o v e r e d




Archive page for the overnight snatch and grab activity at Giza





The message below was placed a few days ago and we are very greatful for the response and support we have received. It is understandable also that some may have received the message and the  film clip warily. Our hand was forced, when initially we wished to only show the stills and retain the original as perhaps a negotiating tool to enable a cooperative exposure of certain activities. The same thing happened to some extent when we were able to publish the best insider story on the suspicious deaths of the men in the illegal village dig last September. Suspicious events on the plateau are linked and we will prove this to everyone very soon. As to the current story. We know the film maker is safe for the moment, and influential help has been given to safeguard other members of our team. On May 9th in Chicago, (link below) Bill will be presenting our whole case and will reveal information which will nail any doubts of our validity to the ground; plus Bill and I will be conducting live radio interviews with Kerry Cassidy and with Patricia Cori respectively on Tuesday and next Saturday. Others dates will follow, and even the wary will take notice after these exposure opportunities! Thank you to everyone, and stay tuned please, because the veil over the Giza lies is now a heartbeat away from being lifted completely. Now live also is and here you will also find brand new information





Below this notice you will see a link which will give you access to an edited portion of the film that the stills (shown below) were taken from.

The film had to be edited to protect the life of the person who took it.

His life has already been threatened and we are issuing this warning:

The film has full sound accompanyment and can be verified, and shows more detail in its original condition. Copies of the film + verifications + copies of our detailed files have been lodged in safe places and will all be dumped to the Press if a single hair is harmed on anyone who is of the company of Friends of the Giza Plateau and a part of our exposure process. We take the threats to the filmaker seriously and the threats we have received ourselves; but so too must the promise of exposure for the whole dirty story be taken seriously.

Our material is being fed as fast as it is being prepared for presentation and also at a rate which recognised the prudence necessary to 'play a game' of negotiation which is necessary in all these matters.

However we can say right now, a couple of days ago we captured the exact moment under a full moon where they are removing items from below ground in the area in front of the Sphinx Temples. and it is a part of an ongoing SCA approved excavation project which has been in operation for almost one year.

Items of Great Importance are being openly removed by the Egyptian Authorities in front of the village people as well as the world.. and in other areas like this one! No one has been able to do a thing about it up to now. In the latest hour one Egyptian source claimed there was nothing found; however,eyewitnesses disagree. For further example see the illegal digs...links further below

These activities are a breathtaking Arrogence!

The authorities CANNOT stop the truth being revealed. The public are bound to learn of the amazing finds beneath the Giza Plateau... even if it does also reveal the bare faced lies that have been told to cover the fact for so long.


The video can now be found in the VIDEOS  section of our site from the main page.



We wish to reiterate : The original video is not Hollywood quality,

(which is not surprising in the circumstances,) but it is untamperered and unedited...

and it contains very clear PROOF of where it was taken and when it was taken,

and with understandable dialogue in the background.


The clip was presented in its edited form specifically following multiple

urgent requests to do so in order to prevent the film maker from being murdered.

Now those opposing know that everyone is aware of it!






Location : From the Egyptian Extended Excavations a few hundred yards under the plateau due East

               from the front of the Sphinx                  (See also, open letter on guestbook at bottom of page)







The heavy work schedule continued through the night for much longer than the movie ran. And by the way.... did we mention... the explosion which occurred later underground from the same area at circa 10.00am local, was felt and heard even by those in the buildings of the nearby village!  ... But 'we' also precisely know what the target is. We would just like the information for once to be openly yielded during works progress, by the authorities.             and sorry... but we are not holding our breath!


Surely all the behind the scenes excavation activity at Giza deserves as much prominance in the Press as the copious examples of photo-shoots and back-slapping, that flow from the Press like the millions of gallons of wasted water being pumped from below the plateau.


Khufu must be turning in his grave!



............Re-production of this material encouraged, but with clear link back to source please. .............






Later.....The following piece was published on the front index page after Andrew published

another attacking update on his site.


Well well well!! Now it is reported there 'were' sarcophogi removed from the (100ft?) shaft opened for work while a huge media sports event was played out almost above it! Official and unofficial scans show it is linked into the vast underground tunnel system too. Now it is reported and shown in pics that the shaft is flooded to above ground again. (See Andrew Collins site where a guard also reported ' that they have pulled out a few mummies.')

Do you really think that after spending weeks if not months of pumping millions of gallons of water from the ground to give access to such an amazing find with the promise of more, that the shaft accidentally filled to overflowing with water again as the workers went for a tea break!! Do they really think the public is so completely stupid to believe it? And by the way... we have had no reported sightings of those important mummies being transported away... except perhaps from 'us' with the overnight Snatch and Grab story above, with very respected local confirmations of the 10.00am next day underground explosion.   Abandon integrity by all means, but at least use better imagination!







Finally to date as @ the start of July 2010 I had published the following...












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