Richard Gabriel with Judith Elter  © 2009  All rights reserved







The Re-opening of NC2



Part 6 a



It is time for us to light a fire under this subject again!


               (This is a Huge File. For ease of use we have had to separate it into sequential pages, but please let us know if any problems arise in its use. )





A Huge Photo Gallery of newly found amazing images from within The Deep NC2 System




Beyond All Reasonable Doubt !




Seeing is Believing

(PS. There are actually at least 14 overlapping figures in this group!)







The Final Pages




The repeated schematic shaded for current reference..



The following photographic images

 of paintings and carvings will test 

all the powers of perception you

will have hopefully acquired during

your viewing of this Report.



Each photo was prepared, individually

 & with care, and with reference back to

the original HD version.



Our added comments to the pics are with the benefit of very

careful study of the Original High Density Photographs and can

be taken as correct. All Originals can be offered freely

in controlled circumstances for independent scrutiny.


Readers are again advised - with the Web Published/degraded

versions especially, to treat every pic individually and please apply

 your ability to see the visual depth perception changes. The three dimensional images should then come to life for you. 

(Although many of them are stark obvious)




The first one as it appears, with Orb...... But then when turned through 90%, & notice the snake on his forehead + rear images.

A                                                                                                 B

A                                                                                                 B

A                                                                                                 B


A                                                                                                   B



The next is a successive series taken from the initial photo below. We had to zoom in almost to complete distortion to get the last pics, but they will show how the artists used very large images, but they usually superimposed tiny intricate images within the shape of the larger one. We inspect every photograph down to maximum focus and with several photographic filtering effects to get the best image view.     We were drawn to the pic first because we could see immediately there were hewn angles and surfaces, and several easily recognisable larger images. ...Then we saw the tiny dark pyramid shape left of top-centre. 

The second stage was to filter the initial photograph, which highlighted the general images. Notice for example the white patch left of low centre. From a distance it looks perhaps like a short beaked bird like a Toucan, painted around the hewn right-angle of the rock. However when we zoom in and filter a little more, it became another example of the brilliant skill of the artists.

See for your self at the end of this sequence. .. Its larger image is formed from a large collage of other distinctive creatures !

Then we gradually homed-in on one target, and we were already seeing there were a host of smaller images.

...But we were looking particularly to the black trianagle shape seen still faintly below.

Now we could see (left) that the black triangle shape was a decorative head cone. At its pinnicle there is an animal head like a miniture horse's head, and all around there are tiny painted characters. Further HD analysis of this rock confirmed, the reason for its shaping preparation must have been because it was intended for special decoration. Underneath the considerable scale and dirt build-up there must be a magnificent whole rock painting waiting to be revealed again.


..And here is a close-up of the corner bird look alike collage of other creatures, dominated by a Komodo Dragon head maybe.

( ...but it has a horn on its snout ?)


We singled this scene to feature again. We had shown it in previous NC2 Reports as a potential example of ancient cave art. However when we applied heavy the filter analysis we found something quite new which threw up a big question about the chronology of the work. In the pic below it is quite clear to see that the dark pigmented images are painted over, or mingle with,  the top of earlier illuminated images all over the wall section. This certainly proves our first assumption that the pigment was Not just natural pigment leaching from the rock. They constitute artwork for sure, but at maybe 3 levels representing three time periods!  The wall shows a break line in thick plaster. There are images behind and in front of the plaster, overlayed by the dark pigmented images. A puzzle worthy of Professional investigation!


Check the Characters on the side of the object on the floor              And these reclining subjects from the tunnel.


Contrasts... One natural pic showing an animal head in relief; and the other highly filtered to illuminate a little of the hidden scene.


The next relief carvings perfectly illustrate an important point within the NC2 system. Throughout, we found groupings or rows of especially relief carvings which would be concentrated and formed to look in the same direction together. Their gaze focused to a place of importance where items once rested; or on a particular Route of importance.  So it is,  for example well into the Tube Tunnel where its rock-carved creatures peer in the deeper direction of the deliberately/most recently blocked (from below) Tube Tunnel.


In the picture below, you can see the creatures all view to the same point of focus where the wall has been disturbed and sealed. We feel it is reasonable to assume there is still something of importance sealed behind the disturbance. We are so glad it has been missed, and we are so glad it is in such an obscure place that someone would search blind for a very long time to find the location.   

 We  will not easily reveal where it is!


Elephants in the left hand pic                                                           A dark collage of very strange small creatures on the top right.


A procession of characters breaking through, but we are sorry this version does not make

clearer the grey/green sections which are deeper levels of a full mural.


The first pic here was strange. A dark head on a huge eroded lower head and another tucked on the left between them. Then ghosted images of two very obvious pyramid heads seem superimposed over the snout of the top animal head.   Study the right of the picture also. In the lower right section there is the side profile of another lizard type head with plenty of detail. Then notice it is not continuous. In fact other creatures are contained in its head shape and above it there is head wearing an elaborate head dress like a plume  ...which also has small images superimposed. It is worth rtaking a little extra time to study the detail breaking through here.


Here is a completely different perspective. We showed this picture on an earlier page but have since re-filtered it. It is good for simple practice. The whole pic looks like the profile image of a man but as you now see, it too is made up of other overlapping images. This pic makes harder work to dilineate the image break lines, but (confirmed from the HD version) ...large snakes / fish make up the bulk of the face image. The pic contains a lot of smaller creatures also.   (A tip... Always identify potential eyes first.)


Left/ Animals head to head                                                            Right/ More obscure, but several animals overlapping


Another glorious Boat example - with occupants... and with larger characters watching over it from above.

Look at the clear face detail also of the grey character lower right quarter. Note also the main grey shape in the middle as it

purposely splits into three necks with creature heads.   ...Hold this feature in mind for an important picture pairing next in line.


We were intrigued by this pic./Left. 

See the Character with a head dress in three parts. On the right look what the zoom showed.

Although it looks on the left as if one animal is sprouting three necks and heads, you can see right - each is an individual at a different depth. Don't be fooled by the darker one in the foreground which seems superficially to have a clear large giraffe head. Study the head. The darker long neck leads up to a separate head which is no wider than its dark neck. There is another Girraffe head behind.

Then if we step right back out again from the first pic, there are very large animal figures containing all of the smaller ones - led by Apes in the centre and a huge human type head occupying the lower right quarter.


This picture is amazing because it shows a niche tunnel area which is painfully inaccessable. We showed it previously without filtration. The items you see are small, but look at the detail. Concentrate and study the main area on the right of the pic. Beneath the heavy deposits, a whole series of images /half carved reliefs are breaking through.  At the base of the rock there are carvings and at the lower centre of the image you can see there is a strange flattened straplike item. It begins to open into a circle like a yoke as it disappears at the bottom edge of the pic. But look carefully and you will notice an animal like a Cow-head peering out from within the yoke shape & with a green chromed head of a bird above it. There are loads of other physical objects in this section, and we could not resist singling out the creatures found left of top/centre. View them in the second heavily zoomed picture below. 

Also although you cannot see it in this filtered version, we have picked up on the right-hand glowing yellow area,

there is a depiction of some kind showing a ceremony ..or perhaps a real life situation.The obscured detail is already amazing.


 The HD version shows there are Elephants on the right, superimposed with dozens of other amphibians and snakes. 

A few of these are dilineated in the second pic version. Their technique makes it very difficult sometimes to discern images because the eye is often distracted between larger images and the shapes of smaller images which have been added to fill every shape.


A bit of visual work needed to sort these two pics out. But the images are definately there.  Start extreme left as an animal head is silhouetted against the orange plaster. Others within the darker area are more obscured. In the right hand pic, start in the extreme top left. A figure like a Bull head is staring out, and there are a lot of other smaller similar heads within the mass of amber hues.


A line-up of characters on the left                                                 And Griffins perhaps with web feet (birds) splayed out on the right?


Carved head profiles left                                                                  And gruesome animals appearing out of the rock, right.


Very stange shape markings on the snout left ..and with a hat or helmet right?


A/ Part of the hoard of overlooked damaged items on the ground, in a less obvious place. Note the other items in the background.

The next few frames concentrate on the missed things of value we took trouble to seek out and record on the ground

We were not sure what this is, but 4 pyramids shapes can be discerned left ...and almost a Carrie doll right.


This shows a discarded plastic (Theft) collecting bag, and some of the items strew around and featured in the closer photographs.

For example - In the bottom left hand corner there is an aparrent simple stone... But it is actually covered in symbols!


It is astonishing that there are so many damaged or discarded valuable items just cast into vast rock garbage piles !


L/Hand-Looks like a head, upside down, etc.    R/Hand-These items looked like maybe fish, but were silver/metallic in appearance


Left, The figures are under heavy deposit but show through              Right, a series of black dogs, in line amid the mortar.


Take a look at the illuminated images painted on the bones.  For sure these would not have been thrown away by the robbers if they had realised what was under the surface dirt. Every bone from this system needs to be carefully examined for images.


Some general images for you to practice with now, some carved, some painted.


Full figures                                                                                     Check the darker areas to spot the images.


Imagine you are looking down into deep green water here, and you will get the images then... On the right is completely obvious.


Very clear carved rocks on the right, but a puzzle on the left! The rock-carvings can be discerned, but a strange architectural object was carved in the top right quarter. There is the faint outline of a monkey face under it so it may be an elaborate hat of some kind?


As was often the case, in chambers along the ceiling line, there are lines of entwined snakes.


We hope you can see the carved/painted heads right;  but in the more obscured R/Hand pic, the dog or

even feline animals are surrounded with complex objects. We are continuing to work on this image.



We could spend a week analysing the huge contents of this picture alone. However there is one small example so far

from it which puzzled us. See the second (metallic?) pics below and let us know what you think of the images.


These objects are small, and they certainly look as though they are man made objects but firther investigation may show they are stylised animals again. At least in the R/Hand pic it looks as though there are small birds mixed uop in the scene.



This frame looks like a mottled section of wallpaper. However we were astonished when we examined it closely. Not only is it covered with small images, but there are lots of symbol scratchings on it too. .. Look and you will pick up on some of the forms for sure.


Sometimes you just got to go Wow!                                              And THIS  .... just looked like a dirty old rock ....until.... 


We turned it through 90 degrees and then did a careful line drawing for it.... followed by some closeup work on small sections from it.....Can you see all the face profiles now? And then there are the inevitable little characters and scenes woven into the main images.

Even closer zoomed secions below.


These next few images are not so sharp but we kept them in the collection as there are still items within them to discern

This first one looks like a figure crouching.                                       And this is a composite that looks like a skull from a distance. 


Both of these pics show degraded heads on the left, and the L/Hand pic actually shows a whole line-up of carvings including a pot

They are taken from the area of the next below where the rock carved characters form a tunnel avenue for visitors.


This is a good example of how each picture has to be so carefully examined.    The second image is cropped from the first.


The second pic is one of multiples which could have been cropped from the original.


We could show plenty from the next image for sure, but we think the next two pics from it will be a good starter. But a Drill Bit ??


It  looks  like a drill bit doesn't  it?!   ... but not like any masonary drill bit we have ever seen ??




The file is becoming long & we want you to be able to open it without difficulty.

Therefore we will move to a continuing File Page -     6 b








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